Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Assignment 11, Complete
Please link to my web page for the entire research paper.
Link to: Learning in New Media research paper
I'm wishing a fabulous Thanksgiving to you and your families.
Assignment 11, Introduction
Members of a graduate level online course in instructional technology conducted a research study that explored people’s attitudes towards new media in education. The availability of online courses and the impact that they are having on education can not be underestimated. While the availability and ease of online classes attracts students who might not otherwise have access to education, ‘unfortunately, attrition from these programs is reaching epidemic proportions and, if educational institutions are to fulfill their commitment to offer courses equivalent to their traditional counterparts, they must investigate ways to address the learning needs and styles of different types of learners.’ (Terrell, 2005)
In an effort to address the learning need and styles this study examined the importance of experience and familiarity with students’ preferences in online education particularly as it related to podcasts. The study examined choice preferences for other types of media including email, enhanced podcasts, voip, blogs, and threaded discussions. Finally, the importance of choice itself was examined as it pertained to androgogical preferences.
These are important questions as we address the needs of all students, and attempt to relieve the high attrition rates online classes are prone to. This survey was rather informally done due to the nature of the class and the selection of participants, but the implications may well be critical to the future of new media in education.
Assignment 11, Results
Table 1: Correlations (will not paste into Blog)
1) Is there a relationship between previous non-music portable media consumption and receptiveness for portable media use in online learning?
In table 1 above, the correlation between prior non-music portable media consumption (item 2) and a preference for listening to educational podcasts while engaged in other activities (item 3) is statistically significant at .609. Correlation decreases when compared to listening to audio only podcasts on a portable media player (item 6), and the use of podcasts that include visual aides such as charts, graphs and images on a portable media player (item 9) but all are statistically significant. Some conclusions might be drawn as to the increase in familiarity with listening to podcasts, and the availability of viewing enhanced podcasts and how that might be reflected in preferences. Another factor could be how comfortable students are with the material being presented. It might be assumed new information might require increased attention and outside activities be perceived as a distraction.
2) What media types do students prefer to use for different course activities related to instructor-student interaction, student-student interaction, and student-content interaction?
| N | Minimum | Maximum | Mean | Std. Deviation |
email | 64 | 1.67 | 5.00 | 4.4766 | .61926 |
video | 64 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 2.7708 | 1.03489 |
blog | 64 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 3.1536 | 1.13712 |
pod_audio | 64 | 1.00 | 4.83 | 2.5000 | .92820 |
pod_enhanced | 64 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 2.7943 | 1.04051 |
threaded | 64 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 3.2969 | 1.09813 |
voip | 64 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 2.5286 | 1.02118 |
Valid N (listwise) | 64 | | | | |
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics Preferences in Interaction
The order of preferences goes from email, threaded discussion, blog, pod-enhanced, video, voip, to pod-audio. It should be noted that the top three preferred means of interaction are email, threaded discussion, and blog. The others range from a close 2.50-2.79.
Technology Mean Standard Deviation
Email 4.45 .62
Threaded Discussion 3.30 1.10
Blogs 3.15 1.13
Enhanced Podcasts 2.79 1.04
Video Conferencing 2.77 1.03
Audio Only Podcasts 2.50 .93
Voice Over Internet 2.52 1.02
Table 3 Means and Standard Deviations of Technologies Used for
Course Related Communication (N=64)
Means were computed for each of the technology items across the various course related communication tasks. Email was rated as most preferred (M=4.45, SD=.62), threaded discussion was next preferred (M= 3.30, SD =1.10) with blogs almost being rated almost as highly (M=3.15, SD=1.13) and near the middle of the scale. Enhanced podcasts (M= 2.79, SD=1.04), video conferencing (M=2.77, SD=1.03), audio only podcasts (M=2.50, SD=.93) and voice over Internet (M=2.52, SD=1.02) were below the middle of the 5 point Likert scale indicating that they were not preferred for course related communication. These means are reported in table 3.
3) What level of involvement in planning, organizing, grading, and making media choices do adult online learners desire?
Choice | N | Minimum | Maximum | Mean | Std. Deviation |
Assignments | 64 | 1 | 5 | 4.28 | .983 |
Grading/Evaluation | 64 | 1 | 5 | 3.77 | 1.165 |
Due Dates | 64 | 1 | 5 | 3.80 | 1.198 |
Technologies used | 64 | 1 | 5 | 4.41 | .886 |
Valid N (listwise) | 64 | | | | |
Table 4: Descriptive Statistics Preferences in Androgogy Choice
Means were computed for each of the andragogy choice preference items across the various course related requirements. Choice in type of media or communications technologies used in the class was rated as most preferred (M=4.41, SD=.88), choice about the assignments that are done was next preferred (M= 4.28, SD =.98) with choices about the due dates (M=3.80, SD=1.20) and choice regarding how assignments are graded or evaluated coming close behind (M=3.77, SD=1.17). All were well above the median of the 5 points Likert scale indicating that they were highly preferred when engaging in the education process at the graduate level.
Assignment 11, Discussion
It is clear that prior experience with non-music podcasts is associated with a preference for portable media in learning. It is logical to assume that some efficacy with a particular type of media is preferable in any learning environment, not just online. The experience of taking higher education classes is stressful as students strive to convey their new understanding and knowledge in a format that the professor can judge the extent of their learning. The essence of the educational process is to deliver information in an effective way for each student to gain knowledge, and then allow a format for the student to demonstrate mastery of the skills and content learned. It is enough to master the new content, but to be faced with a new system of delivery and communication which must be learned in addition can be a daunting task. It is no surprise that a student would wish to rely on the most familiar delivery system even if it is less effective.
In the online instructional technology class in which this research was conducted, students generally had some experience with various forms of communications technology. The level of comfort in using technology can be assumed to be higher than the average students’. The other variable which must be considered is the perceived costs associated with using various technologies. The high speed connections and web cams required for video conferencing come at a price where email and blogs can be accessed effectively through dial up connections with hardware most students already have available. Another aspect is convenience. Anyone who has struggled through the addition of a reluctant piece of computer hardware can relate to the feeling of frustration as the peripheral is commissioned. Once the hours of troubleshooting are over and the piece is actuated it might be easy to appreciate the added functionality, but new media phobias are understandable.
While it might be assumed that students have an increased familiarity with the top three choices email, blog, and threaded discussion, it can be argued that they are also the most interactive providing a blend of social contact and control. While many students had familiarity with podcasting, it may have been less desirable because it lacked social presence and feedback. Voip and video conferencing have a high level of social interaction, but in exchange you sacrifice the flexibility of being able to access content at any time, a prime attractor for online learning.
Further research is required to construct a more complete understanding of the results of this survey. Student familiarity with podcasts was the only reference explored. Familiarity with each of the other new media should be established to calculate a correlation between them. A qualitative survey could ask questions through the use of an interview exploring not just prior experience, but the reasons students state a particular preference. A more organized method of participant recruitment must be followed and it might be advantageous to group participants by age. It might be argued that there are generational differences in attitude regarding communication. Students who regularly utilize social networking sites such as ‘MySpace’ or ‘Facebook’ may have different attitudes than students who prefer more privacy. Communication and a level of social presence is a personal choice that can be influenced by many factors. Privacy, familiarity, and cost being just a few.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Assignment 10, Method Section
This research study targets the uses of new media in education. Subjects were recruited by students enrolled in an online research class as part of the class participation requirements. Students were instructed to find a minimum of 5 adult learners who would be willing to complete a 10 minute online survey. Each student was left to their own devices on recruiting those volunteers through informal contacts focusing on adults with higher education and the participants were diverse, but anonymous.
The online survey used a Likert psychometric response scale to rate participants opinions on various types of new media in learning on a 1 to 5 scale. The first draft list of questions was chosen by the instructor based on written dialog gleaned from online discussions in student blogs and guided by his own experiences with new media and education. Some consideration was given to information discussed in the available research papers pulled from a prior research assignment.
The original 17 items were grouped by topic like type and use of new media. These groupings sorted into two general categories:
available options and choice of media
andragogy and online learning
Questions were then refined and reduced to eliminate redundancy and choose a manageable number of questions for this limited survey. It was previously decided this survey would be of a quantitative rather than qualitative nature and questions were eliminated accordingly. The instrument was subjected to peer review that included all class members with a description of the final survey. Students were asked for input and several of the questions were altered and the Likert scale adjusted to use the phrasing “very much like me” and “not very much like me”.
The final survey determined to answer the following questions:
Is there a relationship between the amount of portable media (podcasts) a student consumes and their desire for portable media use in online learning?
What level of involvement in planning, organizing, and making media choices do adult online learners desire?
Is the use of collaboration to comment on other students’ work viewed as beneficial by online students?
What media types to students express a preference for using for a variety of activities related to instructor-student interaction, student-student interaction, and student-content interaction.
The subject factors that were used for sorting variable were the following two items:
Do you own a Portable Media Player Y/N
I frequently listen to podcasts on a portable media player
One of the reason that these limiting factors were chosen is that many students might have experience listening to portable media players like the ubiquitous iPod, but might not have experience in listening to podcasts for informational purposes. The assumption was that some experience with this media would affect the comfort level in using new media and influence the responses. Participants were instructed to assume they were beginning on online class utilizing each one of several new media delivery methods. There were forty eight items on the survey grouped into similar questioning of attitudes towards the use of technology in education. The new media included were podcasts, blogs, email, threaded discussions, online video, and voice over internet protocol. The final four items explored preferences in androgogy.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Assignment 8, Literature Review
Most components of online learning have an ancestor that can be traced back to a traditional classroom setting. In the case of instant messaging (
What exactly are those online tools and how can they be used? Research has examined a few common tools being utilized in education. First the blog or weblog, is a journal in which the writer posts comments, graphics, and links to other web based information. These journals are interactive when the owner allows other people to post comments and reflections on the writing. In online education blogs are often used to post assignments and comment on other students’ writing. They are used as assessment tools to ascertain if a student understands the material or task at hand. In a study that compared student attitudes toward educational blogs to the tools audio conferencing, the Rotisserie system, and instant messaging, blogs consistently came in least popular tied with Rotisserie although “students admitted that they had been ‘won over’ to the benefits of blogging through the exercise of having to use it and reading the blogs of their peers”. (Weller, 2005). The other advantage to blogs is their flexibility in how and when they can be accessed by students to “provide opportunities for instructor–student as well as student–student real-time and/or time-delayed collaboration.” (Beldarrain 2006) an important consideration for many students in choosing on-line classes. The other component is the degree to which a student feels they are controlling the direction of their learning, another component of andragogy. In an Australian study of the use of blogs in an MBA course they found “The inherent creativity of blogging and the distinctly open environment for topic advancement allowed students to direct their own learning in a manner that transcended the existing curriculum.” (Williams, 2004)
The greatest perceive disadvantage to online learning is the lack of socialization. Interaction with peers and instructors is important, and distance learning can decrease the amount of social contact, and it is far easier to misinterpret writing because it doesn’t have the visual cues face to face communication does. Also, students can begin to feel isolated and cut-off from the learning processes. Interactive tools like blogging can help alleviate that experience of being inaccessible to others or of them to you. Steven Glogoff’s research indicates that blogging can add a dimension of interaction beyond what is usually experience in the traditional classroom setting. He states, “Finally, the opportunities for each student to post substantive comments to other students' blog entries add an additional tier of interactivity and social interaction. In online courses where communication remains largely text-based, such opportunities to enhance community can make significant contributions to student learning.” (Glogoff, 2005) There is some thought that blogs might create actual virtual communities even after the course has ended, but this remains a topic for further research. In an actual classroom, some students form social bonds that exist and continue outside the confines of the class, and many continue on with their own direction, occasionally meeting again in another required course. One can imagine the obstacles involved with maintaining friendships through a chance meeting would be exacerbated by the limited contact of a virtual course, but maybe not. Maybe the availability of a virtual relationship unconstrained by physical location would promote the ability to continue.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Assignment 7, Research Ideas
Do online classes increase student retention?
Are students who register for online classes initially more or less committed to completing the course?
Are students who have taken an online class more or less likely to take another online class if a choice is available?
Are the perceived benefits of online classes (flexibility, convenience) outweighed by the perceived pitfalls of distance learning (social isolation, delayed feedback, limited access to the instructor)?
Does prior student efficacy with the technology employed increase the success of students in an online environment?
Is there a statistically significant difference in student achievement between on online class and a traditional one?
Do students in an online class need to be more self sufficient and motivated than students in a traditional setting?
Methodology Ideas
These questions might best be researched through both quantitative and qualitative studies. Sometimes an individual’s own perception of his/her efficacy does not match the actual amount of skill acquired. Surveys of perceptions and attitudes should be carefully constructed to highlight preconceived ideas and prior indications. Pre-course interviews and post-course interviews should explore changing attitudes to on line learning. One important concern should be to identify how student efficacy is affected by an online vs. traditional course.
Assignment 6, Annotation
Fozdar, B.I., Kumar, L.S. (2007) Mobile learning and student retention. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 8,
The intent of the study was to better understand and measure students’ attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of mobile learning. This study took place in India, where distances are an impediment to higher education. Many households do not have internet access, but of those 95% use dialup connections with speeds below 28.8 kbs. There has been an explosion in cell phone availability and India is ranked 5th in the world in terms of mobile phone ownership. This medium has the greatest potential to provide open distance learning (ODL) opportunities.
The study was conducted through the use of surveys. The first surveys were meant to measure students’ attitudes and perceptions towards mobile learning were based on Rogers’ model of innovation diffusion (Roger, 1995). In determining if mobile phones cold be used for educational purposes, the first two tenets of Rogers’ model were employed, ‘knowledge’ and ‘persuasion’. A questionnaire was designed based on indicators from Rogers’ research.
The second part of the research was designed to determine how mobile technologies could be used to improve student retention. By using surveys to question student attitudes about why they are more or less likely to discontinue their education, and how they perceive the use of mobile learning as being effective strategies for learning.
The research was both quantitative and qualitative. Surveys were administered to Bachelor of Science students enrolled in Indira Gandhi National Open University who were required to attend face to face laboratory courses at different study centers in Delhi in May 2006. Researchers identified 29.2% of the students as being aware of mobile learning. Quantitative data regarding communication technology available in the home revealed the following:
- 61.5% owned a radio
70.8% owned a land-line telephone
83.1% owned a mobile telephone
86.2% owned a television
43.1% owned a computer
23.1% had access to the internet
By measuring how often students utilized features of their mobile phones, the manner in which they were used, and students’ perceptions of how effective the phones would be for learning, researchers compiled a qualitative analysis on how to improve student retention.
The data indicated a preference for the flexibility mobile learning provides. Numbers indicate that a majority of students have access to mobile phones so availability is high. Students perceived that the cost of mobile learning would be low as compared to costs associated with face to face learning. Students had misgivings about the quality of learning that could take place and about the amount of information that could be exchanged. Small amounts of information would be useful by phone, for example, ‘feedback on assignments’, ‘information regarding important dates’, ‘scheduling of counseling and laboratory sessions’, and ‘grades and examination results’. ‘Receiving study guides’ or other large textual materials was considered undesirable and could be an issue.
This relates to the course research study because we are examining the use of new media in on-line learning. While the mobile telephone may not be considered ‘new media’ in the United States, many less technologically developed countries are seeing its impact on their infrastructure. Whatever tools are available to the widest numbers of students can be engaged to aid in the delivery of necessary information in the most efficient and effective methods possible. Synchronous conference type classes using webcams for live interaction may be an effective system of instruction, but if the hardware is not available to the majority of students it becomes a hurdle rather than a benefit.
Online classes utilizing web pages, blogs, video, and podcasts can be effective here because the majority of students in the geographical area have access to these technologies and some level of comfort utilizing them. The research shows that new technologies must be available, students must develop some efficacy in using them, they must be efficient delivery systems of the information being disseminated, and students must acknowledge their effectiveness in teaching the material that is being distributed so they continue to use that technology.
Darlene Pitman
Friday, October 19, 2007
Assignment 5, 3 articles, deja vu
Important because it explores the theory that online communities can form social bonds.
Fozdar, B.I., Kumar, L.S. (2007) Mobile learning and student retention. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 8, Retrieved October 17, 2007
Important because it explores what has been researched, namely how technology can aid retention.
Huang, C. (2003) Changing learning with new interactive and media-rich instruction environments: Virtual labs case study report. Computerized medical imaging and graphics, 2 p. 157-164
Important because it studies a particular instrument of instruction, virtual labs. This is interesting to me because we are beginning to use them in middle school science.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Assignment 5, 3 Articles
Harasim, L. (1993). Collaborating in cyberspace: Using computer conferences as a group learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments. 3, p. 119-130
Important because it explores one method of cyber instruction: Computer Conferencing.
Chih-Hsiung, T. (2002). The relationship of social presence and interaction in online classes. American Journal of Distance Education. 16, p. 131-150
Important because it explores what has been studied.
Newberry, B., Jesunathadas, J. & Santiago, R. (2007). A study of faculty readiness for online teaching. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 2426-2433).
Important because it explores what has been studied and because Dr. Joseph Jesunathadas is the greatest science teacher on the planet.
Assignment 4, Lauer Chapters 5 and 6
Aviv, R., Erlich, Z,. Ravid, G., (2005). Response neighborhoods in online learning networks: A quantitative analysis. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. 8, 90-99
The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine relationships within a network specifically the elements of cohesiveness and transitivity. The research tool used was SNA or Social Network Analysis. Networking is analyzed by counting the number of times contact occurs between individuals and extrapolating the data to include secondary and tertiary contact specifically as it relates to triads. A Response Neighborhood (RN) is a sub-set of actors (three), characterized by a set of prescribed possible response ties between them, all of which are pair-wise statistically dependent. First neighborhoods, Second neighborhoods, and Third neighborhoods are all identified by their interactions.
Two online networks of students from the Open University of Israel were analyzed through transcript records of an online business course. Although both were established as a broadcast network, the networks had different purposes, one was a collaborative team, the other a question and answer forum. The major common thread of the broadcast network was the tendency of the class for non-response. This is assumed to be due to the effort required and the absence of social response. While both networks showed low numbers of responses, they developed differently because of their differentiated goals. Eventually, an exchange mechanism developed in the team network, but not in the forum network caused presumably by the requirement of the team to accomplish a goal.
There are limitations to the study. First, only two teams were studied and they had different purposes and limited numbers. Large networks used for many purposes would have to be studied to gain a clearer idea of the relationships within them. It was noted that the ‘actors’ in these networks began to take on personae and tasks similar to real life roles. It would be interesting to see if the same individuals took on similar roles in further social network situations.
Despotakis, T.C., Palaigeorgiou, G E., & Tsoukalas,, I.A. (2007). Students’ attitudes towards animated demonstrations as computer learning. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. 10, 196-205.
The purpose of this qualitative study was to measure the attitude of users toward animated demonstrations (AD) in learning new computer programs. Interviews were conducted to identify students with extensive computer familiarity who had no prior experience with AD. These subjects were introduced to a web developmental tutorial using AD and their responses were recorded. Prior to the experiment, subjects completed questionnaires on their computer experience and how they gained that experience.
Next, students were shown demonstration of web page design, presumed to be a high interest area, using AD. Students were then encouraged to explore the program and use the AD tutorials as they wished for 30 minutes. After this, semi-structured interviews were conducted assessing student reaction to the AD use. Students also completed a questionnaire regarding their initial attitudes. Students were then shown a new set of AD instructions on the same program and asked to comment on them in comparison to the initial AD. Interview audio were transcribed and compared.
Semi structured interviews focused on students’ beliefs about AD quality and its appropriateness for learning web design. Questions were organized across two axes, the first being students’ perceived attitudes in advantages or disadvantages of AD, while the second explored the cause of those attitudes.
Questions (Agree/Disagree):
Ø AD’s enabled me to learn about applications in a more efficient way than other means.
Ø The use of AD’s make computer learning faster
Ø AD’s make computer learning more authentic.
Ø AD’s make computer learning more pleasant.
Ø I would prefer to learn about the functionality of computer applications using Ads
Ø I am very satisfied with the AD’s I selected and watched
Ø I would recommend AD’s to my friends who wanted to learn about a new software.
The results showed their positive attitudes towards ADs as computer learning tools. Most students evaluated ADs as pleasing and the overwhelming majority indicated that they would like to learn about computer applications using such demonstrations. ADs were accepted with greater enthusiasm by females who evaluated more positive the efficiency, the speed and the authenticity of learning through ADs.
I think the questions were biased in that they were all stated in the positive. I believe the accuracy of measuring attitudes quantitatively is limited, and the small number of questions would lead to skewed results.
A quantitative approach to answer the question: What is the effect of using only a podcast for content transmission on student learning in graduate classes would be to choose a professor who teaches two sections of the same graduate class. One class would be taught by traditional direct instruction and would be the control group. The other class would be instructed through the use of podcast only. Both groups would be given a pre and post test to quantify their levels of understanding before and after the class. Data would be compared to look for trends.
A qualitative approach to answer the question: What are the effects of using podcast for content transmission on student learning in graduate classes would be similar to the one above using two classes, one as a control. The qualitative study would collect data using observation, and interviews to determine students’ attitudes towards podcasting. They would include questions such as, ‘Do you feel podcasting was a more or less effective way of learning?’ and ‘Would you be likely to use a format of podcasting in your own teaching?’ and ‘Would you be more or less likely to sign up for another class knowing it was conducted through the use of podcasting?”